
Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Day of School!

Woot!  Woot! 

It's FINALLY here!  The first day of school!  Tomorrow morning we will wake up early, put on our favorite new duds, strap on our HEAVY backpacks full of supplies and head off in eager anticipation of what our new family of classmates and teachers will bring to our lives. 

 I found this prayer over the summer and it has been in my heart and on my mind ever since.  As a mother and a teacher, I feel this on many different levels.  To the parents of my new students, I promise to pray this prayer on your child's behalf.  As a parent, I pray this prayer for my child and I pray that his own teacher is praying it as well. 

I pray that tomorrow is the first of 180+ days in which all teachers and families can see God's blessings, grace, and mercy pouring through our classrooms.   What a special opportunity to see and know God's love a classroom is!

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